Spring IS Coming

Let me start by saying I am NO expert in regards to gardening, planting, plants, or anything else I write about. However, my love for all of those things has definitely progressed over the last year, and has me excited for the Spring. I’ve always been a Fall season kind of gal but something about new growth in Spring is really refreshing.


There are few things in this world that you can start from scratch and truly see through to the end, and if you’re lucky re create all over again. This year as I prepare for the Spring season, I find myself excited to start planning for the next round of greatness to come from this little garden of mine.


Last year I had this idea to start a Cut ‘N Grow Garden. I chose to dive into the gardening world head first and in turn it taught me so much. About planning, patience, grace, and appreciation.


Picking the flowers you want to grow depends on your region. You’ll also want to make sure to plan out where each flower will grow. This will help make sure taller ones grow towards the back and don’t hog all the sun from the smaller flowers you’ve chosen.


We’re headed into 2021 with a lot of goals and resolutions. With those will also come stress and anxiety no doubt. Do yourself a favor, grab some dirt and plant some stuff. The worst thing that can happen is you don’t succeed, and then you just wipe the dirt off your pants, and try again. I tell you what though, WHEN you succeed, you’ll feel the power of the dirt. The high of seeing something through. The gratification of seeing the blooms you helped bring to life throughout your home.


If it’s you’re first shot at the gardening world, try not to be too hard on yourself. Allow yourself trial and error. Allow yourself to figure it out as you go. What you learn this year will only help next Springs harvest be even better.


Put together a few of my favorite Plant Lady things all from Amazon and under $50. I started my Cut ‘N Grow Garden last year with a budget of $200. Including the actual build out of the garden, the soil, the seeds, and all the fun stuff you get to pick out just for giving it a go, and I came out with about $20 to spare. Of which I obviously used to get a Plant Lady shirt and coffee cup. I mean, after all, you’ve raised them. Only seems fair to be able to rock a cute shirt that basically says “I SUCCEEDED SUCCAS”. See what I did there? Little Plant Lady humor for you!.

Well, I wish you all the anxiety/stress relief. I hope it brings you as much relief as it did for me during what was one crazy year. The options and learning are limitless, make it what you want it to be and ENJOY!!!!